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Game is not yet fully finished, it will take a while to do so. But this is a playable version, however, try not getting to much close to the enemy, since bugs start to appear exactly there. Sometimes you may notice, you shot a cannon ball into the enemy and it went "through" it..well, that happens not all the time, and why it happens I know. Shortly, just enjoy the game.
Also, AI is not yet done well.

Few more instructions:
New game -> Survival -> choose level.
there are some buttons in the bottom-right corner of the screen:
Wheel/navigation - it is where you can plan out your moves.
Flag - game menu.
barrels - some info about your ship (cannon balls, move points and their regular income (m.p.).

The more health you have the better rate for getting MP.
And finally, a ship button. It's your health condition.
Use hotkey "E" if you are done placing your movements onto the plan or click on the button "End Turn".
There is also a buggy gameplay available to play. Each time you sink 2 or 3 ships an additional enemy appears on the map, but... it's not working properly. To do that, you need to click Hotkey "L".

(For fun play on hard level)
some info about Bonus Items:
after 14 rounds, the first one will appear on the map to be picked up. The description of each I will put into handbook later. But for the current time being use this info:
Grey - cannon balls
Blue - shield (chances to avoid 1 enemy's shot)
Green - hp
Red - damage multiplier (one shot - and it will be deactivated, so use it wisely)
Purple - ++MP++.

Good luck. And don't let enemy kill itself - help it.))

7744 views / 19 in the last 7 days

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Tags: game demo chess turn-based pirates ships

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Jun 04 00:46:27 UTC 2011 Added hotkey controls: T - Menu R - Plan of actions E - (it was) end turn W - Clear the plan of actions Also, decided to turn back on one more option in this game. Have a look at it in options (Flag (T) -> Options).
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Jun 04 01:22:19 UTC 2011 Fixed problem within the hotkey system. Changed some probabilities for the bonus item system: - chances on grey balls. - chances on purple balls. + chances on red balls.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Jun 06 01:58:22 UTC 2011 Added functions such as - change background photo: escape,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5. Added two sub-survival game types. Blue sea: you can shoot your enemies more than just once with upgraded damage (with effect) - without a need of picking up the red balls. Red sea: probabilities on bonus items are changed into: more grey balls; almost nullified blue balls; almost nullified purple balls; same as old version of probability for green balls; more red balls. Both of the sub-survival games are subjects to bonus item longer life (any level of game), and their frequency: e.g. it will pop-up in the bar each turn.


I think this is really well done. However, sometimes I start off facing a rock or the edge of the map, so I can't move at all without losing some health. Also, it would nice to be able to see the stats of the enemy ship (at least its health).


Thank you davmac, for a nice comment and also for pointing out some game problems. The mentioned things are quite easy to fix, so that's what I will update in few couple of minutes. Currently, the enemy's health can be viewed after you clicked on its ship, but while the option of "day and night" is turned off. That's because there is a picture, which doesn't allow to click on anything that is on the map (rocks, ships, bonus items) and that picture was placed there to make an effect of a day and night, using transparency.. The current game code does not represent the best way of coding, and it is getting harder and harder if I want to make another significant update for this game. So, once I am done with the exams in my University, I will take my time to fix the rest of the problems of the game by reconstructing it from almost zero. =)
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Jun 08 03:58:09 UTC 2011 Added new hotkey: Press once a space bar in order to see enemy's health status. Possible fix: This is not fully tested, but a bug with starting point (rock ahead or map's border) hopefully will not appear in the game again.


Serious problem: game doesn't work (it gets freeze condition once you try to move)... I am working over it right now...
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Jun 08 04:22:20 UTC 2011 Fix: The game didn't work.

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