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Once upon a time, during the kingdom in Liones led by King Arthur, life in Liones was very peaceful because of the policies and treatment given by King Arthur. King Arthur is loved by his own people because of the help and prosperity that King Arthur gave to his people.
On the other hand, King Arthur's subordinates, Abbas is different, he's greedy and don't want to do any favors to the people because he doesn't want to be dishonored by the commoner. Abbas likes to spend money on extravagant and unnecessary things, according to him, his title allowed him to do everything.
Due to his hatred of King Arthur's policies, Abbas asked for some help to the land of monsters to attack Liones with an offer of treasure and throne in Liones.
The monsters attack Liones with a large army of reapers and golems, the Liones soldiers are overwhelmed by the lack of weapons and magic. At the end, King Arthur asked the legendary sorcerer to help eradicate the monsters.
So will you help king arthur and save liones ?
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2. Rizki Dwi Rahmawan (M0521066)
3. Salomo Polanco(M0521068)
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