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MishaNya presents ...


Cosmo game

Playing as a spaceship, you need to survive 100 seconds. Use the arrow controls to move around and the spacebar to fire the laser.
At the start, you have 3 HP. If you take damage 3 times, you die.
When shooting at enemies, you have a chance to get one of three bonuses that you need to catch:
1. Additional attack. Gives you an extra laser to shoot. If you take this bonus once, the next ones will grant increased attack speed.
2. Health. Gives you 1 extra HP.
3. New laser. Your laser turns pink, increasing damage and attack speed. If you have taken this bonus once, the next ones will grant increased movement speed.
The game is challenging, requires skill and a bit of luck. Enjoy the game!

444 views / 444 in the last 7 days

Tags: game with-source russia vvsu

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