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yangpai presents ...


Go Bug

-It's a casual game, though need a little thinking. Try to pass the all five levels, which is not easy.
-Use ↑↓←→ to move, details are in the help page.
-When you finish the game, you will know how to jump to any level in case later you want to make you friend crazy with certain level.

Have fun !

..... @#&%@#$ Why I need to retry again and again! I hate that bug!

4670 views / 25 in the last 7 days

3 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game simulation demo with-source intellective

This scenario is a member of: Go BuG !

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Feb 16 06:37:36 UTC 2011 It's a casual game, though needs a little thinking. Try to pass all the three levels, which is not easy. Use ???? to move, details are in the help page. Have fun !
Good challenge. Levels 2 and 3 were tricky. I'd like to see more levels in the future. Also, I've seen games like this have tiles where you can only move across them a certain number of times before they become blocked off, so you could always try special tiles if you want to (maybe not that particular kind, but something along those lines).
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Feb 18 06:11:34 UTC 2011 1.Add to 5 levels 2.Add a new function with which you can jump to any level. When you pass all 5 levels, you would be told it. 3. remove some little bugs(of the program, not the actor...).


Can I have the source code of this game? for my work at school ... I beg you, help me, I need this, because this game is very interesting, I'll write your name on a list of my writing this book.


Nicely work.


Miss my game, wondering anyone get to the final level?

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