Nice - I'd be interested to see what other concepts and ideas are coming!
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Dec 21 07:04:39 UTC 2010
First 10 levels are out, so here's the source code. Do with it what you please.
I'll likely continue work with this scenario, until I move back to work on my Super Mario scenario.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Dec 21 19:08:29 UTC 2010
More stages! New ideas! More are still to come!
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Dec 23 19:01:43 UTC 2010
Scrolling stage!
Let me know if you encounter any lag in stage 17 (Pipe Dream)
Why does the elephant keep bouncing all the time? It really ruined it for me. Also I can't complete level 11 since I keep bouncing through the ceiling into the spikes whenever I try to enter the pipe.
Sorry about that Captain. The bouncing started off non-existant, but slowly, I adapted the code the make the elephant do small bounces off the ground. I was lazy and didn't feel like doing any kind of math, so the elephant will always reverse it's fall when it hits the ground. Level 11, I agree is screwed up. Try jumping when you hit the ground, it slows the bounce-back.
If I get around to it, I'll improve the bounces for you.
Thanks for your patience!
Not yet bourne, sorry this is kind of late... I'll probably start work on this game again soon.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Feb 26 16:54:36 UTC 2011
A new level, some bugfixes.
Ground detection is still bothering me though... I might fix it soon.
hi donald can u plz send me this scenario bc i cant open it over this site. so i'll be very thankfull if u send it me with a e-mail or anything else.... my e-mail is
Actually, I never really programmed an ending in.... Stage 19 isn't completable.
I just made the stage increase and turned things on and off so if you hold down F3, you'll advance through the array of levels, but after stage 18, nothing is enabled.
hey donald can u plz send me this scenario. Bc it would be very helpfull for my own school projekt. For example a few of ur commands.
My email already was written before.
As I said earlier, the original source code has been destroyed. I have a modified version (I was trying to fix the jump issues and gave up part way through) that I will send you. It isn't too hard to follow, but it's written a bit... specially...