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TheGoldenProof presents ...


Snake - Recursive (I think?)

This snake is way more advanced than the other snakes I've seen people in my class make. They just make objects that disappear after a certain amount of time, but in my snakes, the mobjects actually move to the spot of the snake in front of it. (getting them to place on the end was extremely tricky)

2404 views / 12 in the last 7 days

Tags: game with-source snake recursion snek

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This is a great game, but there are a few things you can improve on: -When the snake turns at the edge of the world it has a tendency to register that as running into the wall, therefore stopping the game. -I suggest making the head, body, and tail all different colors because the body and tail tend to blend together and make it difficult to differentiate between them. -Lastly, sometimes the snake doesn't turn when a key is pressed, so try to find a way to fix it for a cleaner game. These are just suggestions. :)


@PhantomX I've noticed these problems, but I also noticed that they only exist if you play the browser version or downlaod it from the browser. It works totally fine on the version that I'm exporting, I can't reproduec those no matter how hard I try, but when i download it from here it has those wierd bugs.

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