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Diljot presents ...


JerooFoot + HugWall-AI v1.1

*This Greenfoot project is a recreation of the Jeroo learning enviroment inside of Greenfoot.
*It additionally implements a program I wrote inside of the original Jeroo called: HugWall-AI.
*The demo you see when you press 'Run' is the HugWall-AI Program in action.
*By opening this project in Greenfoot and setting the 'runTester' boolean to 'false' inside of the 'JerooTester' class, you can then just use the recreated Jeroo enviroment and not use the HugWall-AI program.
*Do not use the 'Pause' Button or the 'Act' button to stop or start the program.
*The 'Pause' button has been essentially disabled, and pressing the 'Act' button breaks some functionality of the program.
**Use the 'Run' button to start the program, and the 'Escape' key to end the program.**

Thank you for reading, and trying out this project!

3284 views / 13 in the last 7 days

Tags: game simulation physics demo computer jeroo hugwall-ai jeroofoot diljot garcha

This scenario is a member of: Game AI

open in greenfoot

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@Diljot, would you mind if I built upon this? that is, to make something closer to the application itself where you can modify the world and then run it?


@danpost, for sure I'd love if you would build upon this. I just ask that you leave a link back to this page or something of that sort. This version of the application does allow you to modify the world (adding flowers or nets), but it does not work exactly like how 'Island Editing' works in Jeroo. So if you think you are capable of making improvements. I'd more than appreciate it.


@Diljot, it is uploaded at ''.


@danpost, thanks I am looking at it now.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2015-04-09 13:45:42 UTC Made a minor improvement to a access modifiers in the addFlower() method.


Version 1.1: Made a minor improvement to the access modifier in the addFlower() method.

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