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This is basically my first attempt at programming basic AI.
A very basic simulation, not a game, but fun to watch! Consequently, there are no controls.
Essentially, it's Red vs. Blue and both units fire bullets at each other from a given range, and if a unit is hit 3 times by an enemy bullet, it dies. The dead units appear with "X"s and the winning faction spins (those that aren't dead).
The movements seem random, but there is a basic pattern to which the units move. When a unit is more than a given distance away from a target, it finds the closest enemy and moves in it's direction. Once the unit gets within that distance, it begins firing and moving in a specific orientation (random between -90 degrees and +90 degrees) around its target. If it's target is destroyed, it finds new targets and continues this procedure until all targets are terminated, by which time it spins in triumph!
UPDATE (2/1): Units and bullets now loop when they reach the end of the world! Respawning system now implemented! Bug fixed! Casualty Counters!
UPDATE (2/2): Casualty Counter now determines winner. Round system now functioning (Rounds: 500 total casualties).
UPDATE (2/3): Counters and Round Archive reprogrammed: much smoother. Dead units now clear.
SOON: Sudden Death (Eliminate Ties). 'Learning' systems, should be interesting :).
Special Thanks: Builderboy2005 for the help :)
Hope you enjoy!
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