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Entity1037 presents ...



A fully functioning lighting engine with color hues, and light blocking from objects. Anyone can use this if they wish.

Move using the Arrow Keys.

Hold the "+" key to increase the base transparency of the lighting overlay.

Hold the "-" key to decrease the base transparency of the lighting overlay.

Press the "g" key to toggle between normal and glitchy lighting.

Use the mouse and left click to drag around objects.

3643 views / 13 in the last 7 days

1 vote | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: simulation physics demo with-source

open in greenfoot
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>.> Overall, this probably *only* *took* about 5 hours to program*.*
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Oct 11 04:45:02 UTC 2014 +Added comments in code +Added a block to further demonstrate engine
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Oct 12 02:10:29 UTC 2014


that is pretty cool.


I want to make a 2D diablo like game, I would need a light source thing.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Oct 14 19:39:56 UTC 2014 +Added controls for changing the base transparency of the lighting overlay -Changing the base transparency to lower levels has some really cool unintentional glitchyness
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Oct 14 19:49:45 UTC 2014 +Added toggle button to toggle between normal and glitchy lighting code (press g) *Fixed lighting glitch
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Oct 14 20:15:57 UTC 2014 Added dragging for lights (it's kind of finnikey at the moment...)
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Oct 14 20:45:16 UTC 2014


Do you think you can make a more optimized version of this lighting engine? I implemented it In the game I am working on and I was running about 1 fps.. which is unplayable. The lighting is just too pretty.

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