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Space Math

Aliens and astronauts go at it in this subtration game.

There are two ways to add aliens or astronauts:

1. Click the New Alien or New Astronaut button(s).


2. Click on the number after Aliens: or Astronauts: and type in the number you want. There is a two digit limit, so the higest number possible is 99. However you can continue pressing the New Alien or New Astronaut buttons for the number you want. There is no limit this way.

The red numbers show the difference of the two numbers. Click on this to reset the game.

The aliens will come out in UFOs, and the astonauts will come out in space ships. I left this senerio unlocked so you can regulate the speed of these modes of transportation.

Press space to see the aliens and astronauts shoot each other, and see the result. Sometimes there may be some stragglers. If this happens to you, please tell me and reset the game.

This is my fist published game, so I hope you like it! Please comment on ways I can improve!

3701 views / 18 in the last 7 days

1 vote | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: space mouse educational aliens astronauts

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Kinda neat.


thanks. do you think there are things i can do to improve it?


It tends to spawn more astronauts on the top then it does for the aliens.


Publish the source code and make it so we always have an alien facing an astronaut so you do not have to reset after each exchange.


I like how they fly onto the screen.


Thank you lordhershey. well the point is to see the result. There is another way to reset. Press the red numbers in the middle of the screen. Entity 1037, would you please clarify? I don't really get what your saying... thanks for playing though!

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