First, pls write in the description which button to use, it took me a minute to figure out it's arrow up^^
Second, your hitbox isnt as exact as it should be for a game like that.
Maybe you make the pictures more exactly, or you let the bird check the hitdetection with a radius instead of a rectangle.
You can do this for example with getObjectsInRange(range, Objectclass), because the bird is rather a circle than a rectangle ;)
Another nice feature could be the instant restart of the scenario when you failed, so you get people to try and try and play your game for a longer time.
Hello AiMrOragne. Thanks for the comment and your suggestions. But I would like to know why the bird fly off the screen when you press the up arrow, it doesn't when I play the game in Greenfoot program? Hope you can help.
Well, i think you are not using a scrolling world, so he should stop when he is at y = 0.
Do you use "move()" oder "setLocation()" to move the bird?
Just add an expection to avoid your bird flying off the screen, simple if(y>=0) then something^^
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue May 06 15:15:14 UTC 2014
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun May 11 15:53:12 UTC 2014