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Takes a bit to load. You can also download it and play it in Greenfoot directly.
Remake of Mr Flap.
Click with your mouse or press space to fly.
(You can click on the logo or wait until the menu appears.)
You can change the mode with a click on the 'Normal' and 'Hardcore' button. To view the highscore table of the current mode, click on "Highscores" in the menu. Highscores are only visible if you are logged in. At least yet... Offline-Version doesn't work yet. Hopefully I can find or someone can tell me a solution for this problem:
Click START to start the game. The save button is not very important actually. But you can save without starting the game again (where it automatically saves if possible). So if you temporary lose connection, your scores are save and can be saved later. At least this was planned, not sure if it is working, since for example the offline-highscore is also not working as it should...
The difficulty in the normal mode increases every 5 laps, in the hardcore mode already after 3 laps.
It does not stay the same forever! Good luck!
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