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Snake Trapper

GAME: Snake Trapper (scoring not implemented)
AUTHOR: danpost ( username)
DATE: March 1, 2014
OBJECTIVE: trap all snakes so that they are each contained within a single cell.
SCORING: no scoring implemented; try to accomplish the objective while eating the fewest leaves possible
BONUS: the fewer leaves needed to trap a snake gives added bonus
arrow keys to direct wombat
MOUSE: click on buttons along bottom edge to view class codes

XWorld/XActor: support world and actor superclasses
AUTHORS: danpost (
DATE: September 17, 2013
UPDATED: October 4, 2013
PURPOSE: Provides multiple useful methods for World and Actor subclasses

TEXT: World class
AUTHOR: danpost ( username)
DATE: February 26, 2014
PURPOSE: Displays codes for the classes within the scenario
'up' and 'down' scrolls page
'x' and 'escape' exits text viewing
MOUSE: drag scrollbar handle on right to scroll page

6297 views / 16 in the last 7 days

1 vote | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game text danpost xworld xactor files snakes source-text trapping

This scenario is a member of: Games by danpost

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Mar 02 04:41:22 UTC 2014


how to trap the snakes???? i can only eat the leaves and there will spawn new ones randomly, but can i place leaves or move rocks?


@Pointifix, you can pick and choose which leaves to eat to allow the new leaves more chance to build a blockade. Also, timing can be important in the final snaring.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Mar 03 08:10:55 UTC 2014 Slight code simplification in 'addLeaves' method of Game world.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri May 02 01:06:28 UTC 2014


Thats what I want to do with the wombats. That thig snakes do.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2020-10-28 22:05:20 UTC

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