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Comments for Chess Dos

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Feb 12 23:54:36 UTC 2014 Play chess with other Greenfoot users, or against the AI (with difficulty setting), or yourself.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Feb 13 00:53:16 UTC 2014 Bug fix for those not logged in


Wow! I admire your ingenuity and productivity with these projects. - what higher level courses have you taken at NAU? - do you use greenfoot for class also? - what kind of software development do you hope to do when you graduate? Games? - do you already have a job or grad school lined up?


Thanks! =) - Some courses include Algorithms, Architectures, Principles of Languages, Operating Systems, Security, Networking, User Interfaces - I was introduced to Greenfoot in a High School class and have not used it for school since. - I envisioned doing games, but the job I have lined up that I found through a career fair will be more general software development. Unfortunately, I did not apply anywhere. But I'm sure I will continue making games on the side just like I have done through school.


@Bourne if you have not looked into unity3d yet you might want to check it out. EA-Mythic (fairfax-va) uses this as their primary development tool and the best thing is it is 100% free for personal or commercial use (they get their money on the compile to iphone and compile to android modules they have)


@lordhershey, Thanks, I will definitely go check that out.


anyone want a game?


Sometimes a piece will be unable to move for seemingly no reason, and all of the possible spaces will be filled in with red. Is this a glitch, or is this because of some rule that I don't know of?


It should only display spaces as red if that move either doesn't eliminate a threat, or causes a threat, to your king


A player cannot move, in which their king will result/remain in check


If that is not the case, then if you have the Jave Console open next time it happens, copy the printed move history of that game so I can reproduce the problem.


I once had the computer move its Queen through one of my pawns to get to my Queen. It only happened the one time and I have not been able to re-produce it since.


@danpost, that is strange, if you do manage to reproduce it, copy the move history from the Java Console


@danpost, but I will be looking for the bug, thanks
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Feb 17 22:34:16 UTC 2014 Bug fix: Pawn promotion correctly updates correct occupency values. Only affects human vs human games, or against the computer when the human moves a pawn to promotion. Danpost, I don't think this was the culprit to your situation though


I think the bug that Entity1037 was referring to deals with a dragging issue. Something is not being correctly set when dragging ends (maybe the dragged piece is not being cleared when not moved or something).


I can't seem to reproduce any dragging issues.


Here is an example of the jumping Queen. Medium setting, player (w) against computer (b). MV | WHITE | BLACK ---+-------------+-------------- 1 | e2e4 | b8c6 2 | d2d4 | g8f6 3 | b1c3 | a8b8 4 | e4e5 | f6g8 5 | f2f4 | b8a8 6 | g1f3 | a8b8 7 | c1d2 | b8a8 8 | c3e4 | d7d5 9 | e4c5 | c8g4 10 | c2c3 | b7b6 11 | c5d3 | d8d7 12 | h2h3 | g4f5 13 | d1e2 | f5e4 14 | f3g5 | c6d4xP 15 | c3d4xn | e4f5 16 | g2g4 | f5g6 17 | f4f5 | h7h6 18 | f5g6xb | h6g5xN 19 | g6f7xp+ | e8f7xP 20 | d2g5xp | f7g6 21 | h3h4 | d7a4 22 | d3f4+ | g6h7 23 | e2d3+ | a4e4+ ?????


Thanks Danpost! I found the bug. When the AI checked the Queen's movement possibilities to the right, it found the pawn, checked to see what happens if it captured it, finds out its King is still in check, so continued with path. The execution break for the path (to the right), when it found a piece (the pawn) occurred after the king check, so was skipped.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Feb 20 12:45:17 UTC 2014 Fixed AI bug where a Rook, Bishop, or Queen would continue a path in a particular direction over an opponent's piece, if capturing the piece would result with the AI King being in check. Thanks again Danpost for the report


It does not seem to ever start for me, the system hangs like it is in dead lock.


Does the applet load? Or are you talking about the computer's turn in the game?


Something weird happened to my machine - If I am running java (jboss) somewhere else the 2 instances fight for resource. I killed the other process and it seems to be ok now.
Can you add en-passant into your code?


@Blackknight1123, I forgot about that move, when I have time I will look into adding it.
Also, can you make under-promotion possible.


@Blackknight1123, under-promotion is already implemented. Check the scenario description for how to do this.