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Storage Server is running again. Thanks to the Greenfoot team. Create a map to share if you haven't already done so (or create a 2nd if you have).
It was inspired by the tycoon games. Was meant to be a game editor. Never finished =/. I don't know what you mean by a movie.


Thanks =) Hoping to get back to it this summer.
Nice. My first "game" was collecting colored dots on the screen with a few primitive puzzle-like features to it. My first real game was a text based pacman within a visual studios Listbox =)
Yeah. Using Greenfoot. Before this I made a quite a lot of games in VB. And before that, in java using JCreator - very primitive games/scenarios.
Well something's not working with UserInfo
Also of Note: Loading your previous map then saving - means that you have two versions of it (only one on server is visible - if same map name). And so at this point, to make another map you will be overwriting your changes to your first. Would have to wait until I upload with additional/updated maps again.
Note: After saving from editor, may need to refresh list of Users