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Runs fine in linux, I guess my JRE has more heap available in linux. Low votes might have something to do with this, since most people will be using 32 bit Windows. In all not a bad game, though there appears to be some problems with scrolling. Chris Hansen is over the top, though. I would not have included that to be posted here.
Runs fine in linux, I guess my JRE has more heap available in linux. Low votes might have something to do with this, since most people will be using 32 bit Windows. In all not a bad game, though there appears to be some problems with scrolling. Chris Hansen is over the top, though. I would not have included that to be posted here.
When I try to run this game in Windows (Firefox), I get a java heap space error.
I admit, I'm a Star Wars fan, and this is pretty fun. The hardest part about playing, though, is the jumping. Luke falls really fast. I downloaded the executable rather than playing it in the web applet.


I really like the original art here. It does run much better in greenfoot than as a web applet. To make it more playable, I would appreciate a health bar or something.
I haven't tried that. I doubt it would work, though. The mask files are included in the jar, but my game is looking for them outside of the jar. I think this is what is causing the applet to oops. Hopefully in a few weeks I'll be able to put more time into getting this scenario fixed!