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I don't think that's possible with greenfoot, but it's possible with other IDEs
I'll take a look at it.
Yes busch2207, I've thought about the maximum of 50 characters in the info: it will remove parts of it when it's to long.
You can take a look at my Save it scenario, for learning how to create an account for everybody.
You have misspelled the title of your scenario: you wrote "libary", but you have to write "library"
When you hold down the up key, the brush gets really big. Can you build in a limit for the brush's size?
@martijn13039 This week, I'll post a new course about 'how to make a menu', I hope you're gonna like it!
O, thanks for the tip! In this weeks class, I'll talk about it.
@-nic- Thanks! And, can you click 'like' please?