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I saw you moved the camera up a bit, but now the cubes aren't cubes anymore: they have no depth/ they are flat. Can you fix that?
Why did you upload a scenario from the greenfoot book?
This would look better when you would use textures to fill the cubes, instead of just a color.
Oops, also add this in the if statement: [code];[/code] something I always forget :)
@MatheMagician @erdelf Yes, you could do this: [code]UserInfo myInfo = UserInfo.getMyInfo(); if (myInfo.getUserName().equals("erdelf")) { myInfo.setScore(0); }[/code] or something like that
Forget my last comment :)
@nccb Maybe a late question, but why is Bresenhams algorithm not so good at 'lines of sight'?
Guy, read the description, PLEASE!!!!