Love it. I can't read a word of chinese, but was able to figure out the game! Basically click a bulb on and all surrounding on bulbs turn off. Mission is to turn them all on.. Great stuff!
The current version supplied is (which is really bad). The plan is to paint the loaded image tiles to one big actor; oversized by one tile on each border. Pixel move the actor in the direction of scroll. When scroll reaches tile width limit, use a big image copy to shift all images in the big actor by the tile width and then paint in the border size that is now needing the new tiles painted. This, in my view is going to be a lot quicker; especially when I drop the tiles down to 8x8 size, i.e. an 800x600 screen with tiles of 8x8 would require over 8000 actor tiles! Painting the initial screen actor will be costly, but that's expected; and is the problem in the code provided here. Hope this makes sense.
Hi Dan, to follow up. Yes, actors can be used to tile the screen for background; however, after lots of testing here. It's very inefficient! Especially when small tiles are desired (i.e. 8x8 pixels). I think the traditional 16 bit way is much better, pasting the images into one actor that is larger than screen. I'm going to continue my exploration of this.
Hi Dan. I was originally thinking about this problem in a 16bit (amiga) type way in which scrolling would be performed by shifting the entire set of images on one tile and then 'blitting' the edges; which this simulates (sort of). I was going to put in the shift of all barring the edges next. However, thinking about what you've said, shifting all tiles is a pretty obvious way to do things; given Greenfoot already double buffers. Very very good thinking. Thanks for that, will convert this later (as the code becomes very simple).
platforms of meh
Light, Unlimited 點燈遊戲 無限版
Ninja Survivor V2.0
Tile Pixel Scrolling
Tile Pixel Scrolling
Tile Pixel Scrolling
Project Glow
Metal Slug Arena