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why copy my profile pic.
@jojojordi ive uploaded the source code on this scenario the reason i did it on another senario is because im working on something to do with hacking. ive published the source code on this scenario.
please can you ive me the source
who did you get that sound affect from
do you have an email address and i will send you the code
if you look at your code in space you have got this public void act() { if(Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(200)<10) {addObject(new robot(), Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(700), 0); } addObject(new rocket(), 300,500); } where you add the rocket that needs to be in the constructor instead of being in act like this. public space() { // Create a new world with 600x400 cells with a cell size of 1x1 pixels. super(600, 600, 1); setPaintOrder(scoreboard.class,robot.class,rocket.class,counter.class); addObject(score,100,560); addObject(new rocket(), 300,500); } that should work :P
yer ok ill do it later as im doing homwork .