Hi Michael
I like the concept of the game and the exploding graphics. Obviously it would be good to actually lose the game if you miss and perhaps give the user control of the shooting to make it more interactive.
Best wishes
Hi Kartoffel, thanks for your feedback! I’m glad you like the game! - I actually originally had background music on the game but for the most part got fed up of quickly as it kept on looping which was somewhat distracting from the gameplay. I intend to add a scoring system in the future. I have also thought about allowing the user to continue playing even if they try to reverse direction. I will probably fix this in a new version! - Thanks, Andrico
FAQ - A list of frequently asked questions can be found below:
Q - How do I play?
A - Use the arrow keys to guide the snake into collecting food.
Q - How do I lose?
A - You lose the game when the snake head touches part of the snake tail. Losing is inevitable to the user and it relies on how long you make it in the game.
Q - How do I restart?
A - To restart the game press the reset button if in Greenfoot or refresh the web browser.
You must first learn to walk before you can run, the code and the backbone of the game work well as such. This is the most important. Then the finished UI and many more improvements such as score counters and high score are yet to come.
Rocket survival
Andrico's Snake Game
Andrico's Snake Game
Andrico's Snake Game
Andrico's Snake Game
Andrico's Snake Game