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Cool :D.
And there's source shared for it too :o!


Yeah source would be great, looks like a really smooth animation.
Thanks :D! Anything you want me to try to work on?
I think, but I'm not sure if I understand the point you're trying to convey.
I've never done counters, but I'm sure it can't be too hard, I'll try it out some time. Health would be easy (once again, a health counter I don't know). Just add a variable: int healthLevel = 10; then under the function for where the guy gets hit with a rock: rockHit() { getNeighborblehbleh...(player) if { blah blah rock hit him healthLevel = (healthLevel - 1) if (healthLevel < 1) { game over blah... { } }
OOH! I was going to do a tower defence style game :D. I'd love to offer some help and some code if you want. Once you finish this, could you release the source? I hate how lots of people don't release the source, then I can't learn how they did their stuff =(. Good luck with this one!
Cool :D! I got a few suggestions: - You should add a counter for "Rocks dodged" maybe :D. When it does rockReachBottomCheck() (I don't know, whatever function) make it add 1 to a variable. - I think the rocks aren't spawning right at the top. Not sure if that's intended or not. - Health maybe? Like you can be hit a few times, and maybe even restore health. And if you do add health, a health indicator. Also, for some reason it makes my eyes hurt =(. I think a background might help that. Good luck with this one :D. Its a challenge.