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Nosson1459's Comments

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where do u get ur animation from?
"It's hard to see what's happening if I can only see a fraction of the scenario." (<-- quote from two posts/comments ago). "The dimensions of this scenario are too big for my monitor which is 1920x1080 pixels, all I can see is two yellow circles and some blue shapes." (<-- quote from three posts/comments ago). Basically the world is too big to see on my monitor which isn't so small, so I can only see a part of the world. The part that I can see is some blue (which you mentioned is a house), and some yellow circles.
I can't see if anything is happening, all I see is blue with green background and yellow circles.
very nice
i meant "g" not "a"
would u be able to make something that recognizes specific chords like if I press an "e" a "c" and an "a" it says C major instead of Major Triad
do you play music
On the level that it currently starts off with, when I go down the drop I lose about 80% on my health bar (even though it says "It won't hurt a bit").
My screen is 1920x1080 pixels. What do you mean "so you can move the pieces outside"? When I tried to move a piece and leave it off the puzzle it didn't stay there.