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level 7 complete.
I dont see any scroll bars. Everything is ok on my machine. Could be a screen resolution issue at your end. Maybe, im not sure.
It looks the same to me.
The battery could come in useful as a robot power up maybe for when the robot is running out of steps.
That's harder with the number of steps limited. I finished the new level 6. I rather liked the battery, sad to see the battery consigned to the bin. :-)
Finished level 6, very clever.
On level 6 i push the red bal onto the whirly thing in the corner, then i transport to the whirly thing push up arrow and the red ball disappears but then i dont seem to be able to do anything else. Great concept, this game has legs.


Thanks Solokeh. Im like you struggling to complete it.
Take a look at the pirates scenario i did. Look how i set up the levels.