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@Doggygaming, you do not open it. You just run it on here on the site (click the run button in the applet above).
@trimil, I guess you really cannot say I learnt this. I just did what I thought had to be done to get it to work. The Point class and the Surface classes for use in 3D space are the main contributors in getting it to work. A surface is described by its surrounding points and a body is described by it surfaces. So, I tried to keep this in order and have the body control the location of its surfaces (or rather, the points that describe its surfaces) by using its location and rotation around the three axes in space.
@smcgee, you do not need to score any point. Just make sure you are signed in on the site, finish a game and wait momentarily for the high scores to show. When they do, you will see the buttons that you can click to view the various class codes along the bottom of the window.
@smcgee, you can log in, play till lose (playing to lose, if you wish) and when the high-score screen shows, you will see buttons along the bottom to view the class codes.
Please start a discussion thread for current issues you are having (like the "cheating" issue).
It would help to reduce lag if you did not call the prepare method from the act method of the Play class.


For help, you need to publish the source code (check the 'Publish source code' checkbox when uploading the scenario).
If you need help, please start a new discussion thread on the issue. Explain not only what is wrong, but also how it should be (or how you want it to be -- be specific).
Programming tips, tricks, improvements, etc. are not possible without code inclusion.