Well, I programmed different 'actions', which an object can do. And when the left or right key is pressed, I set the action of the Men to the 'walk-action'. And when the men is in the walk-action, he walks to the side, he's facing to and with his current walking-speed. And untill noother key is pressed, the men stays in this action and moves forwards. :)
Well, sometimes some of the soldiers die while swimming through the water, I know. But I thought, it might be funny and so it's not always the same. ;)
Well... I need about one hour to play the part, that's allready finished... And I already know, what exactly I have to do and I am able to control blind (a bit exaggerated ;). Therefore, you perhaps take a bit more time. :)
Well, that sometimes happens on this website for all scenarios. There seems to be a problem with the greenfoot-side. You can try to restart the browser or to log out and log in again! ;)
The loading and saving-function is already done. :)
Well, in the original game a pixel-perfect collision was choosed, because they don't wanted a small hit box, as that would make the game too easy. And they don't wanted to make a large hit box, because people will get angry if they die without hitting anything.
I think, the jump don't need to be changed! But I think, it maybe should be possible to play it with any key. ;)
Two more things:
-The original Flappy Bird has a pixelperfect collision detection...
-What about a highscore?
No problem.
I just thought, it might be better to use the website-image, because an image needs more space and now you always have to copy the image, too. But if that's no problem for you, then this is also a good solution. (All solutions have pros and cons ;)
Flappy Bird FTW
Flappy Bird FTW