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Hi danpost, thanks for the feedback! I understand and will fix all your comments except for the first one, which seems fine to me. When is (x > 0) not the same as (0 <= x)?
Thanks bourne, I added your suggestions. Also, thanks for the feedback AIMrOrange. I understand that some people prefer different indentation levels but I am following the Java standard except for having the opening brace on its own line.
Thanks for the suggestions, AIMrOrange. I add another challenge and some sound effects. Hopefully I can add some more animations and other fixes this weekend.
Thanks AIMrOrange! I plan to add more content and develop it more over the next week.
You are welcome!
Thanks SeanCallhan! You have to set up both the notes and duration to play a song.
Hi AwesomeNameGuy, Thanks for the correction! You are right, of course. I corrected the question and uploaded a new scenario with the correction. The textbox is from my project GUI World at . There are a lot of things that went into the text box. For example, it uses a TextLayout from the Java API to keep track of cursors within the text. I have some design notes in the README.TXT file for the GUI World project.
Hi limefortheworld, Thanks again for the feedback. I think I was pushing the envelope with the TextField. :) Regards, Ed Parrish
Hi limefortheworld, Thanks for the feedback. I see the effect if I like roll the "asd" keys as fast as I can, though I have not noticed it in normal typing. You must be a fast typist! Since the component runs inside of Greenfoot, it depends on Greenfoot to handle keyboard input and buffering. I think the only thing to do for now is to increase the scenario speed as davmac suggested.