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For the player 1 and player 2 thing, you have this: if (Greenfoot.mouseClicked(this)) { getWorld().removeObject(this); you should change it to if (Greenfoot.mouseClicked(World)) { getWorld().removeObject(this); so that they dont remain or use the isEmpty() method
...I'll bite your legs off? That just painted a very graphic picture in my mind...
Are the slurping sounds and fanfare noises included with Greenfoot? Many scenarios I've come across use the exact same sounds.
Thanks guys. And thanks again mutantleg.
Cool graphics! How'd you do the smoke?
Haha, while I was figuring out the controls, the Ai smashed into me and knocked the dice down :(
The music is Twilight Techno - dimrain47


PS. When you crash, stop or restart quickly if your computer is slow. It will continue to add green dots forever. I'll fix that later.
Haha, this game will always be on the front page. It's like a Greenfoot classic.