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lordhershey's Comments

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The Bullets cannot leave the battlefield , they hang on the edge slowing the game down over time, you can also cheat by building a wall of bullets on the edge.
On the 4th board the fish starts too close to the rock.
Well, it is ok, I have a couple issues - sometimes a meteor starts from the center of the play field I would correct that - also you can cheat and just hold the space bar and stay out of meteor range forever, so you might want to stop the player at the top of the screen.
This is pretty cool - can you do something about the excessive chunk of unused screen on the right?
Seems to work better. Have you tried making it so the level could use vertical scrolling balls as well? That would be cool.
On the second level - one of the bad guy balls spawned on the pokeball making the level unbeatable.
This is kind of neat - needs maybe a few tweaks, But the concept is good.
You are referring to the one made by davemib123. davemib123 had mentioned where the graphics had come from in one post (but I cannot remember where) the game play between this scenario and dave's scenario is fairly different. I think this is probably an original work.
Thanks! Very rarely will I actually finish a piece of code - nothing of mine is finished here. I want to make at least one more level, if I make 2 then I will make a series of achievements a person can win and those will be stored in the UserInfo structure. The adjustments come from the fact that I will play a game a few hundred times.