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I won. :D
I usually add those last, trying to come up with a boss, but I might scrap the tank idea cause I do not like how it is coming out, might hold off on that part and focus on the other parts.
Not bad, add a way to restart the game without having to hit the reset button.
Add a potion or a scroll that lets you cast a fireball to vanquish the foes and you have the start of a dungeon crawler adventure game.
I can honestly say, this is the best Lumberjack Experience I have ever had on this site. Man vs Tree, nothing but my wits and trusty light saber. It will be a warm winter (inside) this season.
Thanks :) Now I need to make the tank boss. My intention is to have the level repeat, but as it repeats more missile will launch, more bullets from the turrets will be allowed to fly. Not sure if anything other than Score, Fuel and High-score board need to happen for it.
Worked up to the chain sword, should try to give extra wood for bigger axes/swords.
I have to think of something better than SomeHelicopterGame - the level progression will have to be put in place, there are other things like, when you crash, before you are put on the screen missiles in flight have to be either removed or allowed to clear the board before re-placement. Splash Screen, credits, how to play slide show and score board.
Add a high score board now, and I think it would be totally complete.