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danpost you got this idea from my comment on bezerk, didn't you?
Take it one step at a time. I mean that's what I'm doing with my Megaman EX game, and it's worked out so far. :)
ATTENTION: my next thing to work on is wall jumping. So... don't expect very many updates for a while...
You could just reload the first level then the player dies instead of having them reset the game manually.
I was thinking to have the game save with userinfo so that I can save it and replay it whenever, where ever. I mean you could use an integer generation code, and use the strings to save all of the screens you've been to by making the strings all 0's and 1's (0 is unexplored, and 1 is explored), and putting them all into a matrix and subsequently uncovering the indicated maps spaces, along with saving the keys gotten by saving the grid coordinates of rooms with the keys that have been aquired (like having coordinate (4,12) be int 40012, and (15,10) be int 15010). Also the original bezerk game had a score. Maybe add a high-score board (which displays if they escaped or not) along with the list of people who escaped (which also displays the player's final score). These are just suggestions, though.
Huh. Alright then! .... O.O" I clicked off of the tab while my map is open, and now it's not letting my clicks register on the game window so I can make the scenario register my keystrokes and close the map. My game is frozen!!! And I already had like 6 keys, and explored the outer portion of the game! Well this sucks. Seriously, it won't let me do anything!
Uh...... where is the end room? I though it was suppose to be next at one of the game's border walls.
I just found another red key!