I'm not sure I complete understand what you are saying.
I've put my scenario http://www.greenfoot.org/scenarios/7217. The world that is active is your world, it's called MyWorl3d. My world is named MyWorld.
What do you mean by finished image, and what do i have to do myself :S
If you can use some granny language, or even look at my scenario i'd be very gratefull
When I copy the Actors to my project, and add the SWorld & MyWorld Code it won't work, but when I copy the MyWorld from this Scenario to My Scenario it does work.. why won't it work ?
super(50, 45, 16,50,60);
setMainActor(new Wombat(), 23, 23);
mainActor.setLocation(23, 23);
GreenfootImage bg = new GreenfootImage("watertexture.jpg");
My world scrolls vertically. But the code above doesn't work in my world, but in the other world it does.. :/
Scrolling SuperWorld
Scrolling SuperWorld
Scrolling SuperWorld
Scrolling SuperWorld