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That is really helpfull, thanks! You are fantastic!
Some of my actors, have a specific act on a location. How can I make sure my y-value, becomes a y+scroll value?
I'm not sure I complete understand what you are saying. I've put my scenario The world that is active is your world, it's called MyWorl3d. My world is named MyWorld. What do you mean by finished image, and what do i have to do myself :S If you can use some granny language, or even look at my scenario i'd be very gratefull
When I copy the Actors to my project, and add the SWorld & MyWorld Code it won't work, but when I copy the MyWorld from this Scenario to My Scenario it does work.. why won't it work ? super(50, 45, 16,50,60); setMainActor(new Wombat(), 23, 23); mainActor.setLocation(23, 23); GreenfootImage bg = new GreenfootImage("watertexture.jpg"); setScrollingBackground(bg); My world scrolls vertically. But the code above doesn't work in my world, but in the other world it does.. :/