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Variables/arrays help needed
By Windeycastle, with 6 replies.
Last reply by danpost, about 3 years ago:
Windeycastle wrote...
I added <Code Omitted>in the method doesWin(int x, int y)
It should be outside the method and should be 3 by 3: <Code Omitted>And anytime a cross or circle is placed, it should be registered within the array. For example, in
method of class extending
I need help whit accessing a Boolean/int From Another Actor Class
By Monk_08, with 6 replies.
Last reply by Monk_08, about 3 years ago:
Thank you :)
Actor größer-kleiner problem
By Mieken, with 6 replies.
Last reply by Mieken, about 3 years ago:
Danke für die Hilfe jetzt klappt es ;)
create a actor in a actor error?
By Aaron-aid, with 1 reply.
Replied to by Aaron-aid, about 3 years ago:
bruh im a dumb, i realise i need to do enemy1= new enemy smh
how to add a turn based battle system to my game.
By Marrow, with 3 replies.
Last reply by danpost, about 3 years ago:
That should be sufficient to start out.
Adding an object
By Windeycastle, with 2 replies.
Last reply by Windeycastle, about 3 years ago:
Ok, thank you very very much! It worked!!
Undeclared variable
By DerEchteBjarne, with 4 replies.
Last reply by danpost, about 3 years ago:
After further examination (and after some translating from German to English), I find that line 17 probably should not be anywhere within the
group of classes.
object(s) should be created in your world (or during initiation of the project).
By DerEchteBjarne, with no replies.
Mensch import greenfoot.*; // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo) /** * Write a description of class Mensch here. * * @author (Bjarne Müller) * @version (3) */ public class Mensch extends Actor { //Atributsdeklaration public String name; public char geschlecht; public int alter; public double groesse; public boolean brillentraeger; /** * Konstruktor, der ein objekt der Klasse Mensch erzeugt. */ public Mensch(String pName, char pGeschlecht, int pAlter, double pGroesse, boolean pBrillentraeger ) { name= pName; geschlecht= pGeschlecht; alter= pAlter; groesse= pGroesse; brillentraeger= pBrillentraeger; } } lehrer <Code Omitted>Schueler <Code Omitted>
Cannot add Game Over screen
By Midori, with 10 replies.
Last reply by Midori, about 3 years ago:
Alright guys, thank you both so much! //KURISUTINA
Why Space button is not working in my version
By Roshan123, with 6 replies.
Last reply by Roshan123, about 3 years ago:
Okey, thanks!
cannot be applied to given types
By DerEchteBjarne, with 2 replies.
Last reply by DerEchteBjarne, about 3 years ago:
Thank u very much it worked :) <3 #NoHomo
Error: bad operand types for binary operator
By xixEmilyxix, with 6 replies.
Last reply by xixEmilyxix, about 3 years ago:
Thank you, and especially for the tip I changed those over :D
By KaiTheLesbian, with 2 replies.
Last reply by KaiTheLesbian, about 3 years ago:
<Code Omitted>
cannot see code while i type
By Aaron-aid, with 2 replies.
Last reply by Aaron-aid, about 3 years ago:
yes thats it, omg thank you
Scenario completely breaks when adding Scrolling SuperWorld
By Gbasire, with 16 replies.
Last reply by danpost, about 3 years ago:
Gbasire wrote...
Hello danpost, I have a question regarding the Scroller class, how can I get the X and Y of the actor in the current universe, because getX() and getY() only return the position of the actor in the frame, not in the whole world. Thanks !
Make use of the
methods of the
class: <Code Omitted>