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Current Discussions
By al_griff, with 11 replies.
Last reply by danpost, over 12 years ago:
In the world class code: <Code Omitted>
Why doesn't this work?
By TheNightStrider, with 2 replies.
Last reply by TheNightStrider, over 12 years ago:
kiarocks wrote...
When you create an array, it does not create objects
the array. Instead, use<Code Omitted>
Right so, it is initializing the Player as null., and then a null pointer exception right. Can't believe i missed that! Thx for quick reply
addObject within a set Distance, using vectors
By matt.milan, with 1 reply.
Replied to by davmac, over 12 years ago:
Working on the assumption that you want 'vtr' to represent the distance and direction that you want to place a planet from myShip, then, there are a few lines that look wrong to me: 18. addObject(new Planet() 19. (int)vtr.getX(),(int)vtr.getY()); You're not adding the ship's co-ordinates the vector; it should be more like: addObject(new Planet() (int)vtr.getX() + myShip.getX(),(int)vtr.getY() + myShip.getY()); And with this: 08. vtr = new Vector((double)myShip.getX(),(double)myShip.getY()); ... is setting the vector size an
compiling problems
By danbhome, with 4 replies.
Last reply by danbhome, over 12 years ago:
btw for first error i based it off tut access p2 and a little of nightmare: emergence
Update on Live Scores...
By Omniscience, with 9 replies.
Last reply by sp33dy, over 12 years ago:
Hi, No need to thank, I'm just pleased to help. You are trying to call setFont on the String object text. You need to setFont on a GreenfootImage I believe, so image.setFont(font) in your case.
Is it possible to make a high score list? If so, how?
By Sneaky4296, with 2 replies.
Last reply by Sneaky4296, over 12 years ago:
Is there any way to see what else is coming in that update?
Mouse Movement Error
By matt.milan, with 5 replies.
Last reply by matt.milan, over 12 years ago:
haha yeah that's pretty redundant...thanks for the optimization tip, i'm gonna switch that now. i guess i should have seen that earlier
Help with abstraction
By Sneaky4296, with 2 replies.
Last reply by Duta, over 12 years ago:
if(KeyNum = x)
if(KeyNum == x)
is used when you're
something equal to something else (
int score = 7
makes a variable "score" and
sets it equal to 7
is used when you're
checking if
something is equal to something else (
score == 7
if the variable "score" is equal to 7, and
returns a boolean
, meaning that when score
equal to 7,
score == 7
is exactly the same as
) Oh and in case you didn't know (I assume you do but just on the off chance) a
Piano shows the piano_complete but no sound to be heard
By PKHG, with 2 replies.
Last reply by PKHG, over 12 years ago:
Thanks, but problem is solved by reading the book better! Not using the mouse to touch the keys but using the keyboard really ... sorry for (stupid) question ;-) Peter
Shoot delay code?
By MakerOfGames, with 1 reply.
Replied to by matt.milan, over 12 years ago:
private int shootDelay = 0; private final int SHOOT_DELAY_MAX = some number; // shootDelay++ if (shootDelay >= SHOOT_DELAY_MAX) { do stuff shootDelay = 0; } what do you think about this
By Razzo, with 3 replies.
Last reply by Morran, over 12 years ago:
You could make the images wider, or you could drop 3 per act. You could try: <Code Omitted> instead of <Code Omitted> I hope that this helps.
By joemoma, with 15 replies.
Last reply by Morran, over 12 years ago:
Yeah, it's not affected by the speed slider because it counts off of real milliseconds and not frames. (Although, to be honest, I normally use the "int--, if < 0" anyway).
By ihatenoahbravo, with 3 replies.
Last reply by Duta, over 12 years ago:
Morran wrote...
<Code Omitted>
Or <Code Omitted>
Greenfoot Start up Help
By mylinnn, with 5 replies.
Last reply by hbdavies, over 12 years ago:
Thanks so much tut newbies eh
Help with Letters
By theDoctor, with 41 replies.
Last reply by theDoctor, over 12 years ago:
Yes. I'll go through the tutorials. Can't argue with your logic!