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Greenfoot back
PStigerID wrote ...


getInfo from ofther Actor

PStigerID PStigerID


Last one for today. Thank you to all of those who really help me here!! this works (as long as I am in L1):
            L1 w = (L1) getWorld();      
            mouse m = w.getMouse();
            int x = m.getX();
            int y = m.getY();
            int r = m.getRotation();
L1=World mouse=Actor getMouse - in Level
public L1()
        theMouse = new mouse();
public mouse getMouse()
        return theMouse;
Now I can work with those ints. Now I want to change the world - so I need to change the code. Could I do this with a void? I tried it with
    private void World(string X){
            X w = (X) getWorld();      
            mouse m = w.getMouse();}
but this did not work (as expected). Is there an easier way to do it? (I would rather have a void than if(World ==) - becuase I have alot of world currently. A other question: As far as I can see in the documentation getWorld() returns the current world. Is this correct? Thanks PStiger
danpost danpost


One thing, is you are trying to call 'World(string X)' with 'World(getWorld())' (sending a World object to a method that receives a String object ). Then, you are taking that, supposed, string object and trying to use it as a class name. If you are trying to get 'mouse' infomation from whatever world it is in, you may have to
World w = getWorld();
if (w instanceOf L1) (L1) w;
if (w instanceOf X) (x) w;
// etc.
casting what was returned from getWorld() to the proper sub-class of world before you can access that information.
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