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Greenfoot back
rcompton5 wrote ...


how to

rcompton5 rcompton5


im trying to make a driving game where you walk a guy to a car and then he disapears and you can drive the car
toytttttt toytttttt


What do you want help with?
tkiesel tkiesel


I've done something similar to this before.. Let's say that your guy object is of the class Guy. And your car object of the class Car. Your Car can have a variable of type Guy named driver.
public class Car extends Actor

    private Guy driver = null;

    //  More stuff here....

And you can write methods in Car to load and unload the driver. And in act(), if the driver != null, you can follow keyboard commands to drive around. Having the driver accessible by the Car means that you Car can also pass along damage, powerups, etc to the driver and other fun things. :)
rcompton5 rcompton5


i am still only able to move the guy"racer2"
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