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Razzo wrote ...


The Third Dimension

Razzo Razzo


How difficult would it be to implement the third dimension into Greenfoot, if so, How would I do it? I thought of OpenGL. but is there any easy way to start?
Duta Duta


Sorry to disappoint but if you're looking to build the engine yourself, its hard.
danpost danpost


Actually, the location and size of the object are the easier parts of what you need to do. The hard part is having each object painted in the correct order so that they block the views of each other properly. Good luck with that! @Razzo, this last part should not appear on the Home page. If you are there, post a 'Thanks', I will include the source to The Maze Factory, and as soon as you have it, post a 'Thanks again!', and I will remove the source.
Razzo Razzo


Thanks :D
Builderboy2005 Builderboy2005


I have managed to get 3D working in Greenfoot, and you can check out the fruits of my labor Here, Here, and Here! All the engines were written from scratch however, and OpenGL was not used, making it a challenge to get everything running smoothly and fast, but it is definitely possible :)
Razzo Razzo


Just looked at it, Looked really smooth and all :) Opened the code, 0.0, Way too difficult for me D:
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