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Greenfoot back
-nic- wrote ...


TRacking ojects

-nic- -nic-


can any one help me, how would you track another object(class) or can some one please show me a scenorio that does this.
tkiesel tkiesel


You can make an Actor variable. Then, once you aquire your target, you can look at the getX() and getY() of that Actor to see where it is.
import greenfoot.*;
import java.util.List;

public class Tracker extends Actor

    Actor target = null; 

    public void act() 
        // no target aquired, wait for one
        if ( target == null )
            // Look for targets
            List<Actor> targets = getObjectsInRange(100, Actor.class);
            if ( !targets.isEmpty() )
                // If possible targets seen, choose one at random.
                int choice = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(targets.size() );
                target = targets.get(choice);
        //target acquired. Seek!
            // Close 90% of distance to target.  See Achilles/Tortoise.. ;)
            setLocation( getX() + (target.getX()-getX())/10 , getY() + (target.getY()-getY())/10 );
-nic- -nic-


thats great ==how would you code it if there was only one target eg player ?? sorry answerd my own question big help thx :):):):):)
SPower SPower


If you're using Greenfoot 2.2, you can use the all new "turnTowards(int x, int y)" method, which is defined in Actor.
tkiesel tkiesel


My //comment above should have read close TO 90% of distance to target. Oops. ;)
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