can any one help me, how would you track another object(class)
or can some one please show me a scenorio that does this.
import greenfoot.*; import java.util.List; public class Tracker extends Actor { Actor target = null; public void act() { // no target aquired, wait for one if ( target == null ) { // Look for targets List<Actor> targets = getObjectsInRange(100, Actor.class); if ( !targets.isEmpty() ) { // If possible targets seen, choose one at random. int choice = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(targets.size() ); target = targets.get(choice); } } //target acquired. Seek! else { // Close 90% of distance to target. See Achilles/Tortoise.. ;) setLocation( getX() + (target.getX()-getX())/10 , getY() + (target.getY()-getY())/10 ); } } }