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Greenfoot back
GreenDude wrote ...


how to climb

GreenDude GreenDude


This is my scenario and i wanna make the "hero" climb the ladder, is the black thing, but i cant. this is the code i have: if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("w") && checkLadder() ){ setImage("heroback.png"); moveUp(); } public boolean checkLadder() { //stairs escada = (stairs) getOneIntersectingObject(stairs.class); <- tryed both none of this lines worked Actor escada = getOneObjectAtOffset(0,0, stairs.class); <- return escada!=null; } public void moveUp() { setLocation ( getX(), getY() - speed ); }
matt.milan matt.milan


please capitalize class names (stairs -> Stairs) it's just a convention, we're trained to read things a certain way in java :) i'm going to try to write a quick ladder-situation using your code, and i'll let you know what i find afterwards
GreenDude GreenDude


ok i will do that
danpost danpost


Assuming speed is not zero, both ways should return true (if true). You could just say:
public boolean checkLadder()
    return (getOneIntersectingObject(stairs.class) != null);
But this change will not alter the results you are getting.
GreenDude GreenDude


yh is the same thing, a solution may be he jump the ladder instead of speed i write -20. but in the next ladder i ill have same problem... :S
danpost danpost


You should be able to set up a new int variable 'private int ladderSpeed = 3;' in the class, but outside any method within the class, and use it instead of speed.
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