Ok, I've got 4 images of hearts. One with 3 one with 2, 1, 0. I want to make it so that when the variable "health" is at 1 it shows 1 heart, when at 2 it shows 2 hearts,etc. How would I do this?
GreenfootImage[] hearts = { new GreenfootImage("no_hearts.jpg"), new GreenfootImage("one_heart.jpg"), new GreenfootImage("two_hearts.jpg"), new GreenfootImage("three_hearts.jpg") } int health = 3; private void updateImage() { setImage(hearts[health]); }
public Hearts() { updateImage(); }
public void adjustHearts(int adjustmentValue) { health += adjustmentValue; if (health > 3) health = 3; if (health == 0) Greenfoot.stop(); else updateImage(); }
addObject(hearts, x, y);
public Hearts hearts = new Hearts();
WorldSubClass worldsubclass = (WorldSubClass) getWorld(); worldsubclass.hearts.adjustHearts(-1);