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vollmer1995 wrote ...


how to prevent player from going through platforms

vollmer1995 vollmer1995


hi! im new to this whole coding thing (first day actually) and i was wondering how you would tell an object not to go through a platform when jumping. any suggestions?
DonaldDuck DonaldDuck


Hi vollmer. In order to do that, you need to check to see if there is an object that intersects your other object at a certain point. To find a platform at your players feet, you need to use this statement... As the getX and Y methods return the center point of the actor, you need to add half of the actors height to reach the feet, and subtract half to reach the head. Actor platform = getOneObjectAtOffset(getX(), getY() + getImage().getHeight()/2, PLATFORM.class); Of course you'd change PLATFORM to whatever your ground actor is. If this returns null, there is nothing there. Otherwise, there is. So... if(platform != null) { setLocation(getX(), getY()+1); } I suggest watching the video tutorials (link here)
vollmer1995 vollmer1995


cool! you wouldnt know how to get a object to move with a moving platform would you? ill upload a new version of what i have so far while i work on that platform thing.
vollmer1995 vollmer1995


DonaldDuck DonaldDuck


I would in fact. You need to have the player move with the platform... So I suggest introducing a new variable into your code - x_speed. To make the player move currently, you say getX()+1... Instead, you can say getX()+x_speed. This way, when the player is on the platform, the speed of the platform can be added to x_speed. Here's the code for the platform to move...
private void platform_move()
    setLocation(getX() + x_speed, getY());
Posted below is the way to make the player move with or without the platform. You need to add the variable x_speed into your moving platform class, and the variables x_speed and platform_x_speed into your player class. Everything you're trying to do is in my Super Mario game, so if you want some of the code in-action, go check it out :) Hope this works and helps!
DonaldDuck DonaldDuck


private void player_move()
    [platform actor name] moving_platform = ([platform actor name) getOneObjectAtOffset(getX(), getY()+getImage().getHeight()/2, [platform actor name]);
    if(moving_platform != null)
        platform_x_speed = moving_platform.x_speed;
        platform_x_speed = 0;

        x_speed = 1;
        x_speed = -1;

    setLocation(getX() + x_speed + platform_x_speed, getY());
This way, The x_speed in the player is not affected by the platform, so you can move right or left, and when it's on a platform, it will move with it too.
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