Which methods can i use for that? i've already have an actor and it can walk around.
can i put other images next to the actor and how to do that?
The second problem is the footprint will disappear after 5 seconds.
getWorld().addObject(new Footprint(), getX(), getY() + getHeight() / 2);
changeTimer--; if (changeTimer == 0) { changeTimer = MAX_TIMER; setTransparency(getTransparency() - 15)); if (getTransparency() < 50) getWorld().removeObject(this); }
changeTimer--; if (changeTimer == 0) { changeTimer = MAX_TIME; // not MAX_TIMER GreenfootImage img = getImage(); // this was missing img.setTransparency(img.getTransparency() - 15); // had too many ')' if (img.getTransparency() < 50) getWorld().removeObject(this); setImage(img); }