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nccb wrote ...


Learning Mathematics in Greenfoot

nccb nccb


I've recently started a blog that some Greenfoot users may be interested in. It's targeted at those who know a bit of programming (i.e. I'm not going explain the very basics of coding), and want to understand the use of mathematics a bit better: either to see why it's useful, or to solve a particular problem in your games. It's called the sinepost, and there's a couple of posts up already on using trigonometry for doing angle calculations, with more posts to come in the next few weeks on things like wrapping around the world, and implementing movement systems. I'd be happy to hear feedback here, on in comments on the blogposts -- I hope it's useful to some of you.
Duta Duta


Nice blog post - I was thinking of doing something similar over at this blog - how did you get your nice code snippets? When I tried using <code></code> html tags it just put it in courier, and refuses to let me have indents (with tab's or spaces). My blog has barely anything on it yet, just 2 posts I put up as testers more than anything. EDIT: I kind of cheated and glanced at your blog post's source and got the <pre class="brush: java;"></pre> tags - will give it a go :)
nccb nccb


I use the square-bracketed tags, see this article for how to do it. Unfortunately the source code has quite a small font, but that seems to be true of all the free wordpress themes.
Duta Duta


Ah, thanks - my posts are looking much neater now :) I might sort out my blog now and, who knows, maybe even put up something interesting...
darkmist255 darkmist255


Blshfksgh. I'll definitely read the blog (If I can remember to xD)! I just read some of the stuff, and trig just doesn't agree with me. I understand it well, just can't think easily with it, so it's wonderful to see its applications.
Morran Morran


I think the blog is a great idea. Since starting Greenfoot, I've learned that those maths that you thought that you'd never use are actually useful! I've needed to use the pythagorean theorem, matrix algebra, and trigonometry in my scenario. I never thought that there would be a practical application for them, but using Greenfoot I can see there is.
darkmist255 darkmist255


@Morran Matrix :D. <<Uneducated mind
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