also does the counter need to be a world or an actor?
import Greenfoot.*; import java.util.List; // needed to create a list and use its methods
public class Crab extends Actor { /** * Act - do whatever the Crab wants to do. This method is called whenever * the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment. */ public void act() { // etc.
public void eat() { Actor worm; worm = getOneObjectAtOffset (0, 0, Worm.class); if (worm != null) { World world; world = getWorld(); world. removeObject(worm); List<Counter> counters = world.getObjects(Counter.class); // this lists all counters in the world (even if just one) Counter counter = counters.get(0); // this get the first counter from the list (the only one) counter.add(5); // this adds 5 to the counter pulled from the list Greenfoot.playSound("eating.wav"); } }