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Keyblade37 wrote ...


How do I add Text to a world?

Keyblade37 Keyblade37


I am working on my own version of Frogger for a school project, and it is due on December 13th, 2013. I am almost done, but I need to add instructions to the game, and I need to figure out how to add the text in. This is the first time I have really used Greenfoot as well, so if you do help me out, then could you maybe explain it in more detail than if you did it to someone else.
bourne bourne


Look into the GreenfootImage class, either its constructor or drawString method: (The GreenfootImage then could be set to an Actor that is added to the World) GreenfootImage(java.lang.String string, int size, java.awt.Color foreground, java.awt.Color background) drawString(java.lang.String string, int x, int y)
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