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Greenfoot back
darkmist255 wrote ...


Referencing actors from a non-actor

darkmist255 darkmist255


Right now my workaround for this is to make my class "Stats" which holds the players stats an actor and put it in the world at (-20, -20). But I think eventually I will want to avoid doing that. How can I make a reference to an actor from a class that isn't in the world? All of my references so far are like "someActor actor = getWorld().someActor;" then for an internal variable "int PotatoesMade = actor.potatoesMade;" How can I access it without the getWorld()?
bourne bourne


I have found something like the following to work, Say your World is named "Screen". Inside of there have a public static variable of type "Screen" called "main" and in the constructor, set "main" to "this".
Public class Screen extends World
public static Screen main;

public Screen()
super(600, 400);
main = this;
Then from a non-actor class, instead of "getWorld()" you would use "Screen.main"
darkmist255 darkmist255


I think I'll keep it as I have it now (since I already coded most parts), but I'll look at this again next time I want to do this. Thanks :D!
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