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Greenfoot back
jennifer56 wrote ...


Count code?

jennifer56 jennifer56


I am new to Greenfoot (very new!). I have created a game where I collect parcels then exit to a second level, collect parcels again and go through to the final screen. However I can go through the exit at any time. I need help in getting a code that will only allow me through only if I have collected all the parcels. P.S. Could you, if possible, make the answer simple as my brain is frazzled!!! Thank you.
danpost danpost


Just add an 'if' condition that prevent continuing on to the next level unless all parcels are gone:
if (getWorld().getObjects(Parcel.class).isEmpty())
Remove the 'getWorld().' part if coded in your subclass of world.
jennifer56 jennifer56


Thank you. Today You are my HERO xxx
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