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davemib123 wrote ...


unsigned jar?

davemib123 davemib123


Hi, seem to have stumbled into an odd error. I exported a greenfoot scenario into a webpage it use to work fine in version 2.2.1 but in 2.3.0 it does not work. I get a prompt saying it is an unsigned jar file. When I allow it, I get a nullpointerexception application error and then the application fails to load. Any ideas?
GreenHouse GreenHouse


The unsigned jar warning is ok, - the latest java version for windows always warns the user if a webpage runs an unsigned jar. But the nullpointerexception is strange.. Can you copy the displayed error?
davmac davmac


Do you have JDK 7u45? Check the release notes, Known Issues: Synopsis: Non-JNLP trusted applet fails to load using the file:\\ URL.
davemib123 davemib123


thanks for the info. One of the options is "loading the applet over HTTP or HTTPS", I can't do that as it is running from a local html file. The other is "Use a JNLP file to launch the applet" - had a read of this and it is over my head. Could someone kindly tell me the steps?
GreenHouse GreenHouse


Ah, ok. Running an unsigned jar locally without any server isn't possible; davmac? See this and this ... You can create you own 'server' on your computer, to test the applet behavior within the website. (for example: download an Apache Server and install it, just google about this) Or ask again and we will explain how to metinon this :)
davemib123 davemib123


Ok thats great. it works fine using usbwebserver.
davmac davmac


Ah, ok. Running an unsigned jar locally without any server isn't possible; davmac?
Running an unsigned applet jar isn't possible - yes, I think that's the gist of it. You can still run regular application jar files however.
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