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Duckyroannubbles wrote ...


Is there any way to detect a key RELEASE?

Duckyroannubbles Duckyroannubbles


I've got functioning menu layers for my game so that when you have a button that brings you into another menu, that works. My problem is, I want to have it so that when the player presses the escape key, it will be a quick way to go one layer of menus up, so they don't have to actually reach over and click a button to do so. If I just used Greenfoot.isKeyDown(), though, I'd end up with people accidentally going back to the very highest layer whenever they tapped escape. Should I just resign myself to a cooldown timer or is there a detect release method?
danpost danpost


All you need is an instance boolean value to track the state of the key:
// instance boolean
private boolean escapeIsDown;
// checks to perform
if (!escapeIsDown && Greenfoot.isKeyDown("escape"))
    // do whatever when escape key is down
    escapeIsDown = true;
if (escapeIsDown && !Greenfoot.isKeyDown("escape"))
    // do whatever when escape key is released
    escapeIsDown = false;
An alternate way is to use the 'getKey' method (instead of 'isKeyDown':
String key = Greenfoot.getKey();
if ("escape".equals(key))
    // do whatever when escape key is released
Duckyroannubbles Duckyroannubbles


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