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Game/maniac wrote ...


Challenge 9 || November 2013

Game/maniac Game/maniac



There are no prizes this is just for fun!

The challenge starts tomorrow, and will end next year (January 1st) :P. CHALLENGE THEME: Christmas of course! It does not have to fit the theme, but if it does you gain an extra vote :). Rules
  • Don't copy other peoples scenario's
  • You are allowed to use code from demo scenarios, but you have to change it and make it unique to your scenario
  • You can work in a group but the (user)names of the members of the group have to be included in the description
  • You must include the source code
  • You must use the Challenge ID as a tag for you scenario
  • You can enter more than one challenge but only one of your challenges can win (If you get most votes in two challenges, you must choose the one you want to win, and the game in second place will win for the other challenge)
  • You are not allowed to ask people to vote for your scenario
Beginner Challenge ID: C9D13B Create a game that only uses input from the mouse. Intermediate Challenge ID: C9D13I Create a game where the player can interact with the scenery. Expert Challenge ID: C9D13E Create a randomly generated cave exploration game. Good luck!
erdelf erdelf


nice ideas, would u mind explaining intermediate a bit more`? and could it be that u forgot the rule that it has to be done this month`? (on and it is december, i think)
Game/maniac Game/maniac


The scenery is just parts of the game put there mostly for aesthetics, and aren't required to complete the game.
danpost danpost


You might want to re-start this discussion thread using the correct month (December).
Game/maniac Game/maniac


erdelf erdelf


.... as I said
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